Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Beginning Of World War II Essays - International Relations

The Beginning Of World War II Essays - International Relations The Beginning of World War II At daybreak on the first day of September, 1939, the residents of Poland awakened to grave news. A juggernaut force of tanks, guns, and countless grey-clad soldiers from nearby Germany had torn across the countryside and were making a total invasion of the Pole?s homelands. Germany?s actions on that fateful morning ignited a conflict that would spread like a wildfire, engulfing the entire globe in a great world war. This scenario is many people?s conception of how World War II came about. In reality, the whole story is far more detailed and complex. The origins of war can be traced as far back as the end of the first World War in 1919, when the Treaty of Versailles placed responsibility for that terrible war squarely on Germany. Years later, in the Far East, Japanese ambition for territory led the nation to invade Manchuria and other parts of nearby China, causing hostilities to flare in the Pacific Rim. Great Britain, the United States, and many other nations of the world would all be drawn into battle in the years to come, and each nation had it?s own reason for lending a hand in the struggle. Although Germany was the major player in World War II, the seeds of war had already been planted in the Far East years before conflict in Europe. On September 18, 1931, the powerful Japanese military forces began an invasion of the region known as Manchuria, an area belonging to mainland China. This action broke non-aggression treaties that had been signed earlier. It also was carried out by Japanese generals without the consent of the Japanese government. In spite of this, no one was ever punished for the actions. Soon after the assault on China, the Japanese government decided it had no choice but to support the occupation of Manchuria. By the next year the region had been completely cut off from China (Ienaga 60-64). Because of the Japanese offensive in China, the League of Nations held a vote in October to force Japan out of the captured territory. The vote was passed, 13 to 1, but Japan remained in control of Manchuria. A second vote, taken in February, 1933, a formal disapproval of the Japanese occupation, was passed 42 to 1. Instead of expelling Japan from the area of Manchuria, it caused the nation to formally withdraw it?s membership in the League of Nations the next month (Ienaga 66). Now unrestrained by the recommendations of the League of Nations, Japan continued it?s intrusion onto Chinese soil. By 1937 Japan had moved military forces into Beijing, Shanghai, and Nanjing, as well as other regions of China. By 1940, Japanese seizure of territory had spread to deep inside Southeast Asia and even parts of Australia (Sutel et al). Also in 1940, the Triparte Pact was signed, allying Japan, Germany, and Italy into a powerful force that stretched halfway around the planet. The association with Hitler and Germany unified the war in the Pacific and the war in Europe. Japan was now fully involved in what came to be known as World War II. As warfare raged in the Pacific Rim, a chain of events was unfolding that would produce catastrophic results. The Treaty of Versailles of 1919 held Germany fully accountable for the tragedy of World War I. The nation was stripped of large areas of land, it?s armaments, as well as it?s dignity. In addition, the reparations that were to be paid to the allied nations virtually destroyed the economy of Germany. The resentment of the treaty burned in the hearts and minds of Germans for years afterward. In 1933, a man by the name of Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany after working his way up the ladder of government. By speaking against the Treaty of Versailles and making promises of a better life to the German people, Hitler gained the support of his fellow countrymen, and he easily won the election. Almost immediately after Hitler took office he began securing his position in power. Hitler took steps to eliminate all opposition, including political parties and anyone else who spoke out against him. The death of President Hindenburg in 1934

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Help Writing a Research Paper

Help Writing a Research Paper Help Writing a Research Paper Help Writing a Research Paper Research paper advisers expect students to provide some background information about the research studies that they review. Without this information, research paper readers may be unsure about the value of the reviewed studies. Note, the lack of content development causes awkward transitions between ideas and undercuts the college research paper writer's credibility. Because the research paper writer fails to give the necessary background about the studies he or she reviews, his or her discussion may seem choppy and illogical. Many of such research paper problems can be solved by a brief introduction concisely summarizing each scholar's credentials and research methods. Introductions of this sort are also crucial to incorporate someone else research ideas into your discussion. With the hope of swaying a reader, gifted researchers sometimes intentionally avoid clarifying the context of research studies that research paper writers cite to support their positions. If you have a trouble with generating research paper topics ideas, custom research paper service is here to solve your problems. Free research paper is not a solution because thousands of other students have already submitted the same paper to their tutor.   Who knows, maybe your tutor has read that research paper as well. offers help writing a research paper. We guarantee high quality of every written paper we deliver! No hidden costs, no inexperienced writers! Research Paper Writing Academic research paper writing is distinguished from other kinds of writing in the degree of revision expected. While you can write quick memo in a single draft, most academic research papers writing require multiple revisions, some as many as a dozen or even four dozens. While tangled syntax and awkward wording may be acceptable in brief notes to colleagues, the rigorous peer-review process is designed to ensure that college papers are exemplary. Adviser wants you to write elegantly, to offer original contributions, and he wants you to be knowledgeable on the topic you have chosen. Rather than considering revision to be a relatively unimportant activity, like minor housekeeping, you can have a more accurate sense of how experienced college research paper writers perceive revision. You should consider it more similar to major renovation in which you tear down walls, rip off the roof, and add turrets. While you may be particularly adept at identifying and correcting grammatical and mechanical problems, you should ignore these concerns when in the process of first revisions.   If you request help writing a research paper at our site, you are entitled to request unlimited number of revisions. Our blog and writing tips are absolutely free!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Live Performance Audio Production Analysis Coursework - 1

Live Performance Audio Production Analysis - Coursework Example In production of music industries they are referred to as studios. The Konshen’s audio performance is produced by million records studio. Therefore, it means that one audio performance from a single artist may be produced by different audio companies (Zager, 2012). Additionally, the audio Technologies also include in the audio components. These technologies include wireless microphone, in ear monitor system, speaker types, and consoles among others. Wireless microphone is a type of microphone that lacks physical cable to connect it directly to audio recording. This system consist of In ear monitors that constitute part of the audio instrument that is used by music producers to listen to music to hear costume crafted mix of vocals together with instrumentation for life performance (Zager, 2012). Monitor technicians are the specialists who deal with regulation of audio in a certain life performance. Notably, a single life performance and music production usually employs the use of numerous personalities with various and different fields or professions. Moreover, the same usually uses different music

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Selected poems by William Carlos Williams pp. 2009-2017.&.Selected Essay

Selected poems by William Carlos Williams pp. 2009-2017.&.Selected poems by e.e. cummings pp 2173-2179 - Essay Example It is the time when the tired frost of winter begins to give way to the solar prowess of the summer months. Many a poet and writer have used it as a metaphorical device for their works. As a symbol of rebirth, spring can affect a joyous sense of elation. Conversely, no birth or rebirth can occur without first something, person, or epoch dying, disappearing, or withering into desuetude. Modern psychology, in the context of patient and cultural interpretation, has assigned to spring this dichotomous quality of bringing in the new and hastening away the old. The work of Carl Jung is particularly applicable in this instance. His analysis of the mother-maiden archetype comprehended spring as one of the many symbols of this primeval human mental construction. To this category belongs the goddess, especially the Mother of God, the Virgin, and Sophia [wisdom]†¦[This] archetype is often associated with things and places standing for fertility and fruitfulness: the cornucopia, a ploughed field, a garden†¦.[Its] evil symbols are the witch, the dragon, the grave, the sarcophagus, deep water, death, nightmares, and bogies. (81-82) For Williams, the image of the widow, or the aged wife and mother, stresses the cyclical and temporal aspect of the Jungian conception of spring. The â€Å"new grass† and the â€Å"masses of flowers† remind the narrator of when she lived happily with her now deceased husband. They resurrect memories of having a family and loving one another (Williams 1998). They had once lived happily together. Rather than symbolizing birth and things anew, the widow is troubled by her spouse’s absence. Instead she bemoans the â€Å"[red] cherry branches† for â€Å"the grief in my heart is stronger than they / for though they were my joy / formerly, today I notice them / and turn away forgetting.† The pain endures. Yet Williams, after underscoring the widow’s sorrows, draws attention to her son who

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Scientific Management Essay Example for Free

Scientific Management Essay Scientific management method is principle of management that applies scientific methods and principles in the management of workers and tasks. (Head, 2005) As defined by Head scientific management is the use of scientific methods among the workers to greatly increase the firm’s productivity. The scientific methods of management called for optimizing the way tasks were formed and ensured that the tasked would be performed better than how they were. It called for the training of workers so as to simplify the routine tasks and to aid in the improved production by performing their specialized sequence in motion in ones best way of doing it (Braverman, 1974) Before the introduction of the scientific management systems, all the tasks however complicated or simple were performed by some skilled craftsmen. These employees had taken a lot of time learning their jobs through apprenticeship; therefore they had to do as they saw it done by their trainers. In the process of doing the job, the craftsmen made their own decision about how their jobs were to be handled and completed. This made it to them so autonomous and therefore it was taken away by the scientific methods who simplified some jobs which made them to be done by even unskilled craftsmen (Hung, 1915). After Taylor had observed all the time wasted by the Craftsmen he observed improving the Job efficiencies. He gained the experience while working in a steel factory. While Taylor was in this steel factory he observed that most workers were producing very much below their normal production level. This he observed and researched on the reasons, which he found that; there is a common believe among workers that if they work and produce to their capacity many of them would be sent home, another reason was that in the company there was no incentive wages that would motivate the workers- the workers were being paid on an horizontal line regardless of their efforts in the production. This made workers to feel very much relaxed. (Braverman, 1974) During the research Taylor also concluded that the employees also use to convince their bosses that the pace they were moving with the job was the best pace. Another reason which also made this to happen was the fear that if the workers work at a faster pace then that would set for them the standards to be used to evaluate them- this would be a threat a looming danger to their working conditions and lastly the he observed that workers feared that management would decide to decrease their pay if the payment was done per unit of production. ( Braverman, 1994) The mother and controller of these problems was that all the workers depended on the rule of the thumb in performing their works. This he was set to change by countering soldering effect and increasing efficiency. (Dawson, 2005) To achieve this mission Taylor did a time study to determine on what grounds to apply the scientific method. During the time study he was interested in the proving of a principle which he said that even the most basic mindless task could be planned in a way that would increase productivity and that the scientific management of the task would be more appealing to the workers, that with the method alone the workers are already motivated. Head,2005) To prove these entire he carried four experiments namely, pig iron, The Science of Shoveling and brick lying experiments. These he did in the calculating efficiency when some routine works are eliminated in the process. All was a success and then developed the principles that would be used in adapting the scientific management methods. The principles to be adopted were that each company who wanted to new management method had to replace rule of thumb work method with methods based on scientific study. The institution adopting this system had to scientifically select, train and develop workers rather that passively leaving them to train themselves. That company also had to divide work nearly equally between the management and the workers and lastly the management had to corporate with workers to ensure that the scientifically select methods are being followed. (Hunges, 2004) With these principles in mind many companies adopted the scientific management and recorded improved productivity however the method was faced by some challenges as; the use of stop watches was a protested issue and led to strike in one company and it also method increased the monotony of work. (Dawson ,2005) Although the method was being protested by many workers it has been adopted by many companies today since it changed the way work was being done(dowson,2005).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

charhf jimhf Character of Jim :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

Huckleberry Finn - Jim The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the best-loved novels in American literature. Due to its widespread popularity, critiques and analyses of the work abound, especially of Huck and his development. But in all the analyses of Huck, scholars and students alike have neglected to give rightful place to one of the most important protagonists in American literature--Jim. Without Jim's provision for Huck, Huck's spiritual journey would have failed. In Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Jim plays the role of a father to Huck by providing for his physical, emotional, and moral well-being. Jim plays the role of the father by providing for Huck's physical well-being. He first provides food and shelter for the runaway boy. Jim is continually catching fish and fixing meals for Huck. He takes it upon himself to build "a snug wigwam [on the raft] to get under in blazing weather and rainy" (48). In contrast, when Huck is at his father's cabin, he has to stop up the holes "to keep the wind from blowing through the chinks and putting the candle out" (18-19). Jim also provides advice for Huck. From the very beginning of the novel when he sees his father's boot prints, Huck establishes a precedent of going to Jim for advice. Despite the slave's fearful superstitions, his advice is mostly sound, as seen when he advises against boarding the Walter Scott. Lastly, Jim provides for Huck's physical well-being by providing protection for him. He passively protects Huck from the different people in society by having the raft ready to escape back to the protection of the rive r. Also, Jim actively protects Huck by lying to the King and Duke for him after they catch up with him on the river and threaten him. While Huck had no one to protect him before, now he has Jim to stand up for him against people that are like Pap, as a father should. Although Jim's ability to protect him is limited because of his status as a black slave, he protects him as best he can. Jim also plays the role of the father by providing for Huck's emotional well-being. He provides physical affection for the boy.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Playing Computer Games

l Attention Grabber When I was young, my dad bought a computer for my brother and I. I was very excited because I never had a real computer before. My brother and I tried to figure out how to use the computer. After we figured out, my brother started to installed the computer games. Eventually, my brother and I were attracted to the computer games but is it a boon or a bane? It depend on us. lI Introductory Remarks Everyone in this room has at least one computer at home. And everyone here must have played computer games before.After you will know some interesting facts about playing computer games. III Reveal Topic I would like to talk about some of the advantages and disadvantages of playing computer games. IV Preview Computer games help in releasing stress while we are having fun. However, they also have negative effects on us too. [ Let me start with the advantages of playing computer games ] Body I Computer games can release out stress A. They provides us to have fun -When we ae very bored,tired or stressed. Computer games are a good source of enjoyment. We have fun playing computer games because they give us time to be with our friends. It is a great opportunity to socialize. -We can chat with our friends and relax with them. We have more energy for other work. [ Computer games not only help us to release our stress but they also let us learn something new ] II Computer games serve a range of educational functions A. Encourage different ways of learning, imagination, creativity and exploration. -Simulation games could be uses as means of preparing learners for the world of work. Help pupils to develop key learning skills such as cognitive process, logical thinking and independent decision making. -treat a variety of disorders and disabilities. [ Now, let me tell you the negative effects of playing too much computer games ] III Playing too much computer games can cause negative effects on our health and wasting our time A. Negative effects to our health -Lo oking at the computer screens without resting the eyes for long period of time, will spoil our eyesight. -less exercise. B. Waste our time Some people get hooked on to computer games too much that they tend to lose interest in other more important things like studies. -Students neglect their studies. -Cost money every time you play. Conlusion I Summary Of Main Point In conclusion, playing computer games it help us to release our stress and make new friends. But when we play too much of computer games it cause negative effects to us. II Concluding Remarks If we know how to manage our time, we will get the pleasures and benefit of playing computer games.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Reducing Stress through Meditation

In today’s world every one experience stresses almost every day and human body involuntarily reacts in ways that prepare them to fight or run. However, stress is something that needs special attention and if it is not taken care properly it may lead physical damage to every part of the body. There are several studies that suggest the beneficial affects of meditation is exactly the opposite ways that stress does. Therefore, they claim that â€Å"meditation can restore the body to a serene state, serving the body to repair on its own, and averting further harm due to the physical effects of stress† (Scott n.pag). This paper is a literature review on what the experts think of the impact of meditation on stress management.It is a well known fact that stress and tension has become the common thing in the world today. There are enormous pressures of work, finances, family life, disease, studies, parents, children, etc. â€Å"In fact it is proven beyond doubt that stress and anxiety are the main cause for many serious health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes and strokes and many more problems† (Monslow n.pag).Meditation is an age old technique that includes relaxing methods such as â€Å"listening to the breath, repeating a mantra, or detaching from the thought process, to focus the attention and bring about a state of self awareness and inner calm† (Canter 176-177). Though many researchers have worked on this issue it has been difficult to prove its therapeutic value. However it is assumed that this stress releasing activity may have prophylactic and therapeutic health benefits. This has been proven because of certain physiological effects such as a decreased of slowed heart rate or a particular electroencephalographic pattern that occur during meditation and describe a calm state may provide insight into how meditation works.According to a study conducted by Eisenberg et al. (964-972) â€Å"an association was found in a meta-anal ysis of cognitive behavioral techniques such as meditation for hypertension†. In another study of â€Å"meta-analysis trials of relaxation and meditation for trait anxiety that included 70 trials of meditation and showed that the 35 trials of transcendental meditation were linked with significantly larger effect sizes than other techniques† (Eppley et al. 957-974).According to another study in asthma problem it was found that sahaja meditation which is a technique of passive witnessing of thoughts, improved some outcomes. However, differences were not maintained at two months (Manocha et al. 110-115). Similarly, studies showed that people with epilepsy practising sahaja meditation had a significant decrease in objective stress measures and frequency of seizures (Panjwani et al 111-116; Panjwani et al 165-172).A study that was designed to determine the effectiveness of a group stress reduction program based on mindfulness meditation for patients with anxiety disorders. I n this study 22 study participants were selected with a structured clinical interview and found to meet the DSM- III-R criteria for generalized anxiety disorder or panic disorder with or without agoraphobia. During the study assessments, including self-ratings and therapists' ratings, were obtained weekly before and during the meditation-based stress reduction and relaxation program and monthly during the 3-month follow-up period.It was found that a â€Å"group mindfulness meditation training program can successfully decrease symptoms of anxiety and panic and can aid preserve these reductions in patients with generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, or panic disorder with agoraphobia† (Kabat-Zinn 936-943). The findings of a study by Kaplan et al (284-289) suggested that a meditation-based stress reduction program is effective for patients with fibromyalgia. In fact this is a chronic illness characterized by extensive pain, tenderness to light touch, fatigue, sleep distur bance, and resistance to treatment.In yet another study by Barnes et al. (366–369) that was taken up to determine the impact of stress reduction on blood pressure in adolescents by the Transcendental Meditation program it was found that there was a greater decreases in daytime systolic blood pressure (P < .04) and diastolic blood pressure (P < .06) in those people who were practicing transcendental meditation when compared with the control group. Therefore the study concluded that there is a beneficial impact of the transcendental meditation program in youth who are at risk for the development of hypertension.A study carried out at Harvard University found that elderly individuals who learned Transcendental Meditation exhibited considerably superior improvements in a range of age-related aspects of mental and physical health when compared to other techniques or among the control group with no-treatment. This study demonstrated that majority of subjects involved in Transcenden tal Meditation rated this technique as individually helpful and uncomplicated to do when compared to the other techniques. A follow-up study after three years found that all those who had learned Transcendental Meditation were still alive compared with significantly lower survival rates for the other groups and for the remaining population of the institutions where the study was carried out (Alexander et al. 950-964).Work CitedAlexander CN, Langer EJ, Davies JL, Chandler HM, Newman RI. Transcendental Meditation, mindfulness, and longevity: an experimental study with the elderly. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. (1989) Vol 57, 6 pp 950-964.Barnes, V.A., Treiber, FA and  Johnson, MH. Impact of transcendental meditation on ambulatory blood pressure in African-American adolescents. Am J Hypertens (2004) Vol 17 pp 366–369.Canter, P The therapeutic effects of meditation, editorial STUDENT BMJ VOL 11 (June 2003) pp: 176-177.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

legal process essays

legal process essays There are many steps that must be taken before John would have a case that could go to trial.In the case of John vs. his employer there is a process that is involved when filing discrimination charges. John needs to report to his EEOC counselor within 45 days of the charge. However, he also needs to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Committee for them to determine that there is enough evidence to support Johns claim of discrimination. This is when the EEOC does a priority investigation of the initial facts to see if these facts appear to support a violation of the law. In investigating a charge, the EEOC may make written requests for information, interview people, review documents, and, as needed, visit the facility where the alleged discrimination occurred. ( Once the agency finishes its investigation, John may request a hearing before an EEOC administrative judge or an immediate final decision from the agency. At any point in time John or his emplo yer may form a settlement out of court and this would suffice EEOCs requirements as well. Then John can choose to file a civil lawsuit and go to the federal court system since he is in the private sector. John would then file a complaint and then both parties would pay a fee of $150.00 by statute. Because, John is a defendant in a civil case then he would then have to hire his own attorney. In the state system however, he would have an attorney appointed for him. The federal court system also wants the litigants to prepare for the case, also known as discovery. Both John and his employer must provide information to each other about the case, such as witnesses, dates, times of events etc. This helps the litigants prepare for their trial by assembling evidence and preparing all of the witnesses. ( In the federal court system, there are many rules that the courts must follow. They are designe ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Criticize Your Boss Without Losing Your Job

How to Criticize Your Boss Without Losing Your Job Feedback, as any good professional understands, is critically important. There’s nothing like a little constructive criticism to put the fire under your tail feathers and help you to understand and grow past your own limitations. But it isn’t just a one-way street. From time to time, it will be important- even necessary- to give your boss a little feedback too. You should want the kind of employee/boss relationship where that is possible- and work to cultivate it. Here are a few strategies for when you need to offer a little good-natured criticism to your boss without offending him or her or risking your good rapport.1. Pick your moment.If your boss is in the middle of a particularly stressful project or a bad week, you might want to wait until she’s not stomping around fuming with the shortest possible fuse. Let things die down a bit and pick a more peaceful, low-key moment to broach the subject. But do make sure to do it face-to-face. Meeting in person is a muc h better way to make the kind of connection you need for this to work.2. Ask permission.Particularly if you have a more formal relationship with your boss, or you’re nervous about how to broach the subject, it’s always a good idea to ask first. A simple, â€Å"Would you be willing to hear a different perspective on the situation?† or â€Å"Could I offer my two cents?† will work wonders and set the conversation up nicely.3. Keep it light.In this and all office interactions, stay positive. If humor is in your wheelhouse, try a humorous tone if appropriate. Avoid profanity and offensive jokes though; keep it professional. Be playful and as gracious and appreciative as possible. And try to limit your use of the word â€Å"but.† As in: â€Å"I really enjoy working with you but†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 4. Back it up.Don’t just assume your ideas are great and worth sharing- better than your boss’s. Support your ideas with facts about production or prod uctivity. And then make sure that your feedback will genuinely help the person. The more you can make it valuable to your boss, the better.5. Make it about you.â€Å"You† statements tend to make people extra defensive. Try to frame everything through your point of view. â€Å"I notice this†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"It affected me when†¦Ã¢â‚¬  And try not to generalize with words like â€Å"always† or â€Å"never.† Think about how an improved relationship would make you a better worker, and explain this, point-by-point, to your boss. If you frame it as â€Å"for the good of the company,† you’re more likely to get a positive response.6. Go in with a game plan.Think through what you’re going to say in advance. The more you plan it out, the better. And find a friend or family member to rehearse it with beforehand. The cooler and more prepared you are going in, the better it will go. If you storm in right on the heels of an annoying email inter action, you’re bound to say something you will later regret.7. Know when to stop.Say what you have to say as quickly, gracefully, and succinctly as you can- then stop. It can be hard, once you get started, to turn the faucet off- particularly if this is the first time you’ve tried giving feedback to your boss. But you’ll need to make sure to quit while you’re ahead and give room for your boss to respond. And try to listen with an open mind! The communication lines, at last, are open.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The quick and easy way to effective speaking Essay

The quick and easy way to effective speaking - Essay Example In other words, this means that the public speaker should try and acquaint him/herself with what causes fear when it comes to public speaking. It is vital for people to prepare themselves in a proper manner by assembling and arranging their ideas earlier (Carnegie 34). They could then rehearse the talk/speech with their friends just to have a feel of what they could expect. Carnegie advises people not to memorize their speech word by word, because this, most of the times, leads to confusing when delivering the actual speech. It is also vital to predetermine your mind to success by not thinking about the negatives, but only the positives. Also, Carnegie thinks that it is important to act confidence even if one is not actually confident (Carnegie 41). In addition, in order to be an effective public speaker, people should be eager to share their speech, talk or idea with their listeners. They should ensure that they are pleased with their subject of choice before sharing it with others. Also, another factor is that a public speaker should talk about something they have earned the right to speak about through study or experience (Carnegie 55). Such subjects include their life’s story and what life has taught them. This will go a long what they establish the truthfulness of the information being passed. So of the ways I intend to apply the above stated rules to overcome and enhance my own public speaking include learning the history of other prominent public speakers, studying the goals of public speaking and also determining my own success. For instance, I will look choose a speaker who is rated highly by the public and study how they developed into prominent public speakers. I will look at what they talk about and how they talk to their listeners. I will look at how they behave in an unexpected situation and many more. Also, I will look at someone who is close to me and knows how to speak to a multitude of people. I can

Friday, November 1, 2019

Application Paper # 2 Corporate Values & Social Responsibility Essay

Application Paper # 2 Corporate Values & Social Responsibility - Essay Example The mission statement of Wal-Mart is we save people money so they can live better (About, 2012). The initiatives of the company are aligned with its mission because Wal-Mart has helped feed millions of people around the world. Wal-Mart has a complete social responsibility program that covers many aspects of social responsibility. As a firm that has billions of dollars in inventory, the company provides relief to people in need during natural disasters. The company responded immediately when the Katrina earthquake hit by donating $5 million. The firm has also help the victims of the Japan earthquake, floods in Mexico and Texas. To become more effective in its disaster relief efforts the company often partners with agencies such as FEMA and the Red Cross. The company demonstrates compassion and that they care about people in need. Wal-Mart is a company that believes in the value of philanthropy. The firm in 2011 donated money and merchandise worth $954 million. The goal of the company by 2015 is to donate 1.1 billion pounds of food and $250 million in cash. The organization has an environmentally friendly program to reduce the emissions and pollution produced by its operations. For instance Wal-Mart has installed 100 solar energy units at different locations. These solar power stores eliminate the dependency of the company on the electricity grid. Another technology that Wal-Mart stores are using to save energy is the installation of LED lights. The company has 180 renewable energy projects in operation that generate one billion kilowatts of renewable electricity. The company is the second largest buyer of renewable energy among U.S. retailers. The implementation of a solid corporate social responsibility program is a good strategic move that can help a business. Companies that act socially responsible attract the support and business of many consumers. Environmentally friendly initiatives are perceived by