Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Factors That Affect The Rise And Fall Of Civilizations Essay
Climate and Some Factors Effect the Rise and the Fall of Mayan Civilization Area and Egyptian Civilization Area In ancient time, environmental factors were very important. It directed the people to where they should settle to practice agriculture for their living. Among many different important environmental factors such as geography, geology, plant and animal species, agricultural potential, resource abundance, one of the most significants factors which influenced to the rise and the fall of civilizations is climate. In my paper, I am going to compare and contrast the relationship of the environmental factors, especially the climate, in Mayan civilization area and Egyptian civilization area to see how they rise or fall these complex civilizations. Environmental factors plays an important role in the histories of states in both Mayan civilization area and Egyptian civilization area. One of the most important things that directly effect the settlement of ancient people is climate. If the place is too hot or too cold, too dry or too wet, it is more difficult for people to stay there for long ti me, or in other word, settle there. Especially, our ancient made the living from hunting and gathering, then turned to agriculture, climate is the key to their crops. First of all, the Mayan civilization resided in the lowland of the Yucatan Peninsula, the region of Southern Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize. The population was so dense in this forest region, so they need to clear theShow MoreRelated Fukyama V huntington Essay722 Words  | 3 Pagesinfluential modern political theorists of our times. Fukuyama’s book, The End of History and the Last Man, and Huntington’s book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, pose two very conflicting theories on international relations. In this paper I will summarize and compare/contrast the two theories. 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